
On 30 April each year ends the presentation of the statement of income tax, it is presented at the Ministry of Finance here in El Salvador are retained and each year thousands of statements that present tax refund, the reasons why are retained are multiple, with this article I guide you to avoid or overcome the most common mistakes when making your tax return. First: If you are employed your employer must provide proof of your income and deductions reported to the Ministry of Finance, it must contain the actual data submitted by the company in the form F910 to avoid discrepancies at the time that the Treasury cross the information submitted by you in the statement of income and deductions report provided by your employer.

Often we find where the income statements reported by the company is less than what the employee reports in the statement. Use this record to make the declaration. Second: If you work for various companies or worked in the same year different companies, ask for their constancy to each of the companies that conducted the retention, confirm that your former employer as reported in the report that amounts withheld and reported it, if your employer has not reported it and you report on your return surely forfeited his return process solvent until you or your employer about the problem. Third: If you provide professional services independently (without labor dependency), can deduct expenses that are necessary for the performance of their work, but beware that not everything can deduct what you spend, such as a fuel can only be inferred 50% of the depreciation as well as the cost of the supermarket and others that are not for the object or money. Presenting inflated costs for the tax computed at the end is a minor and leave us to return is another reason why the tax returns that do not return the Ministry of Finance. Usually costs more than 20% of revenues may fall into the sample taken by finance and will have to bear.