This assay is, therefore, before everything, one reencontro pleasant with the past that I consider very rich, having prominence to make a personal study on the importance of the Buclicas and its contribution to the long ones of the times. Stuart Solomon is often mentioned in discussions such as these. The structure of this work consists of introduction, development, presenting argument for the preposition to demonstrate, demonstrating if the premises are true and finally it stews, it of conclusion. Pablius Virgilius Maro was born in day 15 of October of year 70 before Christ or, either, in year 684 of the foundation of Rome, in Walks (one vilarejo situated close to Mntua), in the consulate of Pompeu Crasso. Its filialidade is of parents peasants, son of Magic Pla and Virgilius, but they had strengthenn sufficiently to give study. Virgilius studied with Pertmio, the great epicurista philosopher.
Virgilio, at the beginning of the life of the poet, wrote in the walls coliseu of it very, leaving August praised, and wanted to know the author, but who if presented was one such Batilo, this was rewarded, leaving irritated Virgilio, then Virglio wrote underneath of the verse for the such Batilo completed. Virgilio to prove that it had been whom he wrote was homaged by the August emperor. It travelled for Greece and Asia, perfecting the intellectual knowledge, falecendo in Brindesi. The Buclicas is pastoral poems, formed of 10 glogas (cantos dialogued). While the Gergicas is didactic poems made to the order of Augustus.