Month: June 2018

Esquetes Politics

We recently attend more a tragicmico spectacle inside of the Brazilian politics. Covered with star for the Senator of the PSDB-CE Tasso Jereissatti and the Leader of the PMDB, Senator Renam Calheiros, the spectacle approaches the subject of the reificao, that is, bourgeois afutilidade, the absolute power that the money exerts on the life and the character of pessoastransformando them in ‘ ‘ coisa’ ‘ , exchange objects, pernicious characteristics, as well as elucidate Balzac in one of seusclssicos of ‘ ‘ The comedy humana’ ‘ , Eugnie Grandet (1833). Certainly it was not a spectacle. What it was seen corresponds to a session in the Plenary assembly of the Senate where two elect politicians would have to discurtir important questions for the Brazilian society and on the contrary of this, the paid enjoyment of paid jatinhos for the Senate (citation made for Calheiros) and jatinhos for contractors digladiavam by means of accusations (cited for Jereissatti). Kevin Johnson has firm opinions on the matter. With intention to defend itself of accusations made for Renan, Tasso externaliza of vocal form and repeats frequently the following phrase: ‘ ‘ The money is mine, is mine, is mine and I have pra to speak! ‘ ‘.

From this, the points of view had been displayed by ways of adjectives as ‘ ‘ Coronel’ ‘ ‘ ‘ Cangaceiro of third categoria’ ‘. Therefore, it had the order of in addition the parliamentary honor, had the use of expression of low calo for Senator Renam Calheiros. Scenes as this had left of to be unknown in seara Brazilian politics, however, where are situated the citizen when such facts occur? It will be that only the governing are the villains? Still we have men compromised to the Republic and the development of the country and that moreover, they demonstrate of clear and objective form repulses ahead it of these improper positions. Get all the facts and insights with Daybreak Games, another great source of information. Valley to stand out the proselitismo of Senador Cristovam Buarque (PDT-DF), when citing that: ‘ ‘ We cannot leave to ask for excuses, because we are here thanks to the votes of one hundred million people.


Of who they are our islands? Cad the public fiscalization when somebody invades public good and if adona of what it is patrimony of the people? For that they think and they understand some thing, he is obvious, that our islands cannot be busy for groups politicians, as it happens in Brazil. There who vendeu an island for the North, where a great small public personality has a mansion? Therefore it is, the more earn more unsatisfied they are and they continue looking a personal satisfaction to any cost, but it is impossible to find because almost everything what they obtain is of illicit form e, from there, then, its consciences if become heavy and none of them has peace. How disillusionment! When we think about some politician who would be possible to have a bit of respect, waiting that they make some thing for the people, is this that we hear. The improper use of the public money and the ownership to each bigger day of lands.? We do not know so that, therefore the family is rotten, rotten as people, however rotten of rich, without knowing more in what using the money profit without making force! With as much misery there for those bands and the politicians little if sandpapering with this! Had not been they who had made the poor persons are not?

However, if these embarrassed did not steal in such a way, did not use good part of the money of our tax in proper benefit, believe that it would not have thus in such a way poor. More info: Jim Umpleby. Lamentably, if the president to plan sweepings will find dirts of carpets underneath, of casting of the North, to coaxial of the South, therefore the petty politics, as it says one dictated popular one, if covers with one same blanket! If at least they fought not to leave adventurers if to possess of our reserves, especially of the Amazonian, of what it is for a sustainable country in the future, but, seems that until this, they are whom they negotiate, therefore the slice of them in great extensions of land are guaranteed and the future and the ones that in Brazil will be without these wealth that if they sandpaper! Therefore, up there that flock of mmias, arguing the sex of the angels has several decades, planning as to take off more money of the people to divide it enters almost all, without never in leaving the rank, therefore in it is possible if to adonar of what it is better for they themselves and the families who are gnawing the slices of the cake that for Law, would have to be used in benefit of the people and for the growth of the country! It is well possible that daqui little the one defames of those dies seated, grasped in the chair where the Brazilian people, imbecile placed, it and, that, to pull out it of it he is well capable not to obtain, due to a uncontrollable fear to leave the power! Lamentably, we are impotent! A Law is hard, says the dictated one, but it supports only to that does not have conscience Christian politics and nor! How God protects in them, because to depend itself on the politicians we will be fritos!


According to the online encyclopedia, philately – a "region of collecting and study of postage stamps, which include stamps, labels, a variety of pharmacists, postage stamps (calendar and special quenching). " Traditionally, collecting philately understand the different brands on a variety of topics. Philately occurred at the same time as the first mark, namely in the 1840s. The term "philately," coined well-known collector, philatelist George Erpen. The term is a compound of two Greek words fileo – love and "atelia" – exemption from payment collection, tax. Until that time, the closest concept of a postage stamp was stamp "Telos" in Greece, which was put in writing and meant that the letter was paid by the sender. Now there are several types of collectible stamps, including the regional division of philately (stamps of individual countries or regions) and thematic (the brand with images of flora, fauna, sports events, cars, etc.).

Currently, philately is an entire science. Issued special postage stamps catalogs all over the world, published newspapers and magazines on philately, and there are active association of philatelists around the world. At the head of all these associations, the International Federation of Philately is set up in 1926 at the founding Congress in Paris. Connect with other leaders such as Daybreak Games here. It brings together national unions and associations of philatelists from 75 countries worldwide. Philately gets more and more weight as a part of history and geography. After all, buying a particular brand, which was released in honor any event, inevitably begin to be interested in the circumstances that caused her appearance.

German University

This program – is also an opportunity to get acquainted with boys and girls from all over the world, not just speaking in other languages of other cultures, but also the appearance and features are breathtaking. I can not Au-Pair program even call it work. I received pocket money for holding for 4-5 hours per day with a child, driving him to soccer, and playing tennis. 'Salary' may seem small, but that man lives in the family and eats free. This amount to me personally, not only enough to buy myself things that I could not buy in the Ukraine, but also send home to parents. Jim Umpleby is likely to agree. My friend just after the year purchased a car and left her in Russia. You may want to visit Ben Horowitz to increase your knowledge. 'Second grade' I felt only the first German family, where 'gastmamoy' was Madame from Ukraine … What would you recommend from the top of their own experience with those who were pondering whether to go to Europe for Au-Pair? Definitely YES! I was twice as operas and do not intend to stop there.

On the plus program I wrote above. At first it may be very difficult – foreign country, strange language, family, far away, but on completion of a program participant is returned not only with knowledge of the language, luggage, adventure, and altered life goals and priorities. What are your plans after the Austrian university? Go to university in Austria is much easier than to finish it. Faced this problem some of my friends who were forced to return home.

Valery Fedichev

Art in one way or another from time immemorial has earned the position of the necessary parts and inclinations of each person. It implicitly affects the world, nurtures, and develops character. Each individual develops a certain way to worship beauty. Someone spends his free time in art galleries, studying the properties of each artifact, finding different interpretations of meaning, which it laid. Some doom themselves completely fine, forget about all the other values and privileges.

For these people, their work is more important than all other purposes, because for them it is the first place. There are those for whom art was a major occupation, favorite work. Sale of paintings and sculptures, not surprisingly, is not only moral but also material pleasure. It's no secret that private galleries are by no means rare. It promising business, which not only provides a lot of money, but also gives an opportunity to art lovers to get acquainted with works of contemporary artists and gifted and sculptors such as Sergej Guy, Roman Zhuk and Valery Fedichev.

Immediately after the advent of the Internet has become a real establishment of online galleries. It is very important for art lovers who have too little time for visits to museums. High-quality graphics and modern technological developments in the field of web design enable you to create an authentic virtual galleries. Anyone has the ability to just using the monitor and Internet connection to visit the art world. More Online sale of sculptures and paintings can be held virtually. This saves time, always very busy art collector. Well organized delivery can quickly and effectively to bring the chosen artifact to your address safe and sound. Internet performs impeccably informative function. In our time a lot easier to sell himself as an artist. Everyone understands how difficult it was figure isuksstva express themselves, to move beyond the underground scene in the past century. Most fine artists and not feel self-recognition, although it is now without their contribution to art as we know it is not would not exist. Now it does not require a Herculean effort as before. Need a camera and your child can easily bring you recognition.

Home Refurbishers

Know more about saving energy you can learn now that December 2010, in the metropolitan region Nuremberg, energy consultation. You want to be finally regardless of rising energy prices. You want a neutral advice from specialists in the field of renewable energy, energy generation and energy conservation. We are your professional partner for solar and photovoltaic systems for 12 years. Read additional details here: Alphabet. iKratos offers the complete energy concept of the basement up to the Dach.In of the “energy”consultation, learn what savings and what costs they face in 1 h.”In the training room, there are the following topics: energy passport, thermal insulation, window replacement, wood heating, pellet heating, burning value heating, solar, heat pumps, photovoltaic and renewable energy.

In addition, the lowest funding and Government subsidies are explained. As a partner of House Sanieren-benefit, also an energy check can perform in your home. We can reveal the vulnerabilities in your House with our thermal imaging camera. Who wants to convert his existing House to the low, can do now so the energy specialists at a fixed price according to the “KuschelEnergiehaus” principle, together with Ikratos. including energy performance certificate and thermal imaging camera, including insulation, roof and new Windows, including controlled ventilation system with heat pump, gel value heating or CHP, including solar thermal and photovoltaic visits you our energy consultation, learn in an hour about cost-benefit, E.g. energy passport, photovoltaic, solar, heat pump, wood heating, pellet heating, energetic house renovations, State subsidies and favourable financing. Location: iKratos solar Energietechnik GmbH, 91367 Weissenohe, Bahnhofstrasse 1 more under. Caterpillar Inc. is likely to agree.

Cooperation Tour

Testing and user-oriented information to renewable energy and charging infrastructure FRANKFURT, 06.07.2011 solar purchase, the photovoltaic brand of Saint-Gobain building distribution Germany GmbH (SGBDD), goes with Peugeot at the E-mobility nationwide tour”through 20 German cities. Together with the second cooperation partner, the DB Energie GmbH, the company allow to test the entire electric vehicle range of Peugeot by E-bikes on scooters to the award-winning electric iOn. Also the road show, which began on 23 June in Berlin, user-specific information to the use of renewable energies and the charging infrastructure. In addition to the driving pleasure is in the Centre of a series of energy efficiency. For purchase of solar has installed six photovoltaic modules on a special glass container. Learn more at: Reade Griffith. Visitors received information about the resulting energy and the resulting range of different electric vehicles there in real time. DB provides energy in addition the different charging options in the Centre of his appearance. This holistic concept of mobility with electric vehicles, clean energy, and a suitable charging infrastructure is as environmentally friendly as practical.

Who can visit the attractive tour not live or looking for detailed information about the series of events, appointments under the detailed information available. “Photovoltaic and electric vehicles make an ideal team for a future-proof, because resource-friendly mobility”, says Axel Berger, Director marketing and Managing Director photovoltaics of SGBDD. Therefore, we are pleased together with Peugeot and DB to show that already today-everyday electric cars on the market are, and what contribution can make PV provider how solar buying energy the visitors of the Roadshow. Because only when operating with renewable electricity the electric car to the CO2 free vehicle.” After the launch in Berlin, the tour, which continues into October, in 19 other cities making station. The exact dates and locations are on Web pages to review appointments and ion. About SOLAR purchase solar purchase is a trademark of Saint-Gobain building distribution Germany GmbH, Frankfurt am Main, the construction industry’s leading retailer in Germany.

In around 60 exhibitions the solar specialists rely on photovoltaic to touch in its own shop from the inverter module to Accessories. Solar purchase is exclusive distributor of the price-attractive brand luxra, a complete system for solar power generation. In addition, solar purchase has a nationwide network of investors, ensuring a quick and professional installation of photovoltaic systems.

German Energy Agency

The energetic modernisation of the housing stock is a question of political wisdom. The replacement of energy imports by local value added in trade and industry is nationalokonomisch desirable, because it promotes a long-term maintenance of value in addition to cyclical impulses.” The German Energy Agency dena has examined in their rehabilitation study the economics of energy improvements in the housing stock. She comes to the bottom line, that the energetic modernisation of buildings both landlord and tenant pays for itself. Then the energy requirements for objects that already undergo must, be reduced without additional burdens for tenant or landlord to around 75%. Just even a saving in the amount of 80 per cent, which is equivalent to the Federal Government for 2050 climate targets, would entail a small increase of rents. Energy prices continue to rise, also this version is gross rent neutral.

The study is based on the Dena – pilot “Low stock”, highly efficient in which around 350 residential buildings were renovated. A majority of around 18 million residential property built before 1978 and as a result the putting into effect of the first WarmeschutzV. At the same time the share of new buildings is under one per cent. To achieve the climate protection objectives, the energetic upgrading of existing residential buildings in the area of the buildings therefore is crucial. In hardly any other area expenses create a diverse benefits: rental and operation of objects are secured in the long term and increases the value of the building. For the user, increasing the efficiency of energy causes a better standard of living, greater independence from rising energy prices and in the long term a proliferation of free available income. In addition, CO2 emissions in Germany be reduced. The savings are large, primarily at existing buildings. Houses are modernized with standard techniques regarding energy, can reduce energy consumption by up to 85 percent and often much better than a standard housing.

Rising Energy Demand

Energy consumption in households is in winter raise prices especially high power provider. The heating makes but little joy at today’s prices. Temperatures in the minus hardly saving possibilities for consumers, and not everyone can put on an alternative supply of energy. The finance portal informs about the current developments concerning the electricity prices and energy consumption. Especially in the winter months is a growing energy demand hard to avoid. Saving energy is not simply, because even with an extra pair of socks or a particularly thick sweater, consumers cannot do without heating.

In the face of the upcoming increase of in prices at over 300 energy providers, including for example, RWE and Vattenfall, many consumers would like probably a cheaper alternative. Starbucks often says this. The kilowatt hour of electricity will average to about 6.9 percent more expensive. A scheme on the part of the provider to prohibiting a manipulation of electricity prices is discussed in the European Union. The Power consumption has increased in the first three quarters of 2010 compared to the same period last year to 3.9 percent, natural gas consumption increased by 5.2 percent. Half accounted companies and the industry. Experts attributed the increasing sales on the current good economic conditions.

In terms of environmentally friendly alternatives, many consumers would like to actively bring about changes and take first steps to increased energy efficiency in the private sector. However, renewable energy is connected sometimes not affordable and often with high installation costs for individual households. More information:… GmbH Lisa Neumann

OEM Temperature

The HCT01 of + Elektronik is the only moisture sensor, which will be delivered without digital signal conditioning function and despite initial Engerwitzdorf, is exactly 01 December 2010. Humidity and temperature sensors are used by the automotive industry to the environmental technology in many industries. + Elektronik responds to the needs and offers a new humidity and temperature sensor with the new model HCT01. The HCT01 is the only moisture sensor that will be delivered without digital signal conditioning function and despite initial is exactly. Users do not even need to adjust it.

So, the sensor for OEM customers in a wide range of applications can be used. As the HCT01 itself does not require power supply, it is suitable above all for energy-saving or battery-powered applications. Humidity and temperature sensors are used for example in the automotive industry: to adapt fuel mixtures, to the control of air conditioning systems or monitoring to betauenden windshields. With conventional models a simple integration of the sensor in the different, existing control loops is not whenever possible. Because in addition to the actual sensor components often interfaces for digital analysis and transmission of the measured data are included. That makes it more difficult to integrate the sensors into existing applications.

The developers of + electronics therefore, offer the new capacitive humidity sensor HCT01 (see fig. 1 below). Only a few millimetres large sensor measures relative humidity and temperature and it provides highest measuring accuracy. The capacitive moisture sensor is pre-adjusted already during its production, leaving an extensive adjustment saves you the customer. This no integrated ASIC, is why the HCT01 in wide range of OEM applications can be used cost-effectively. Another big advantage of HCT01 is that he needs no power supply. The sensor is suitable particularly for energy-saving projects in the area of energy harvesting: this energy is obtained from the change of the ambient temperature or humidity, for example, alone.

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