The future of the existence human being irremediably would be stamped? Such consideraes send in them to the past, when thus a catastrophic vision of hecatombe was told final: ‘ ‘ (…) the sun if became black as horsehair bag, the moon all as blood, the stars of the sky had fallen for the land, as the figueira, as shaken for strong wind, leaves to fall its green figs, and the sky was collected as a parchment when it is rolled. Then all the mounts and islands had been moved of its lugares’ ‘ (AP 6:12 – 14). Which apocalyptic vision of countless minds of imaginary human being of the years of the Cold War was softened in the current days and radiates mythical thoughts, ghosts, torments and distresses of the final reality, which is not there is, to revs, they are, they are the fruit of mazelas human beings, the way of capitalist production here, which, creates and recria a mrbida, different society, hedonista, consumista extreme egoist, over all exploring of same itself, to daily reproduce the old formula contained in the principle: ‘ ‘ homini lupus homini’ ‘. He will exist tomorrow then? We will wake up one day and we will contemplate ‘ ‘ new skies and new terra’ ‘? We will feel the perfume of the flowers of the field, the smile of the children, the happiness of the old ones? Will be possible one day to dream and to live in a new world, libertos of illnesses, pollution, poverty, wars, hunger? The peace and the continuity of the life are mere devaneios, utopias or chimeras? The reply to these and other questions that the men pursue it has centuries, are not there it are, in the blackout and emptiness of the infinite space. They are here well close, of me, you, all we, in beating of the heart, the allotment of the bread, the squeeze of hand; in it I hug fraterno to the brother, in the preservation of the life and the planet. The contemplation and worship in spirit what It was and always Will be unilaterally send in them to the practical one of the good and the love to the next one.
Olvidar such millenarian lapsing matters in the conviction and in the practical one of the exclusion to the fellow creature, to act thus is to be unaware of our origin and destination, therefore we are one only and complex organism. The society human being does not support more tension and the consuming perpetrated for the way to produce, to support and to become related inherent to our days. All form of indifference and exclusion to the other, represents the danger of the continuity of our proper existence and essence. The society of the future, will not be erected under the rules of current the predatory and capitalist economy. A future society never will allow the destruction of the planet solely for the burning hot desire of the profit. The truth is not there is! The generations of the future do not deserve to live under the sign of the legacy of the dullness, and the last embezzlements. Today it is time to revert the inconsequentes actions of our social relationships, after all we survive of what we remove of ‘ ‘ mother-terra’ ‘ , and on it more than never we will depend.