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True that is nobody would work in a company if you are not paid. * I have heard people who say that: work by necessity. I’ve seen people who knead money only for the sake of feeling secure economically. * But live not by bread alone man. ** In this article mention you what should be the real value of money?. = Is usually considered the money as an enhancer of conduct external (i.e. How do you do with your pet. If this makes the luck that has taught you, you give her an award.This case is more money).

This is true in many cases, but not all. By that?. * Imagine you to a person looking to make lots of money by the mere fact of feeling that is progressing and developing. For that person, the amount of money (amount) you get Sera (indicator) indicator of their level of self-realization, which earned money becomes the measure of how much has managed to satisfy your personal needs. ** The money, actually, is valuable for its exchange value: each person gets the money what particularly interests him. Some are seeking money just to meet their needs (food, shelter, clothing) physiological. A related site: Michael Luxenberg mentions similar findings. * Others intended primarily to gain power or prestige within the social group in which they operate. * Also there are those who wish to satisfy different types of need, such as security or independence.

= The money as incentive money can be used as a powerful weapon of incertivo, if it is used properly. Is that you must keep a relationship with the effort made by the person or the results achieved by this. ** If the worker manages to establish the nexus between what he does and what you get, then the person learns the desired behavior. ** For this mental connection, it has devised a series of incentive systems. * An example for the operational staff of plant: the typical is to pay a fixed amount per unit produced, so that the individual is limiter to increase their level of productivity in order to get the money you want. ** In case of administrative staff, the most common is to assess its merits to decide, based on this assessment, a certain level of economic compensation. Now know you that your staff uses money received?(Only for lunch), does consider it appropriate to what does (remember the link)? Do not asked about that, feel (unconsciously) rather sooner than later you solicit an increase? * I met a manager who landed the topic, said: not awaken dormant ghosts of dissatisfaction, if you can’t make them front. * I think that for the benefit of your company and the working environment of the same it is time to answer these questions.


The majority of people ever have had or have problems with our weight, and we have needed to burn fat. However, no diets, work to all persons for various reasons (because they tire, is discouraged, your body adapts, or simply cheat). That is why it is good to have other alternatives for weight loss. Marc Lasry helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. Slimming more economical alternatives include infusions of herbs. There are of course many plants with effects diuretics, laxatives, which decrease cholesterol and even help reduce anxiety.

All these effects have an impact in a cleansing of the body and decrease the compulsion for food, so help to lose weight. Recently Marc Lasry sought to clarify these questions. Almost all drink in teas. The most effective examples are: the you red, fennel, Chamomile, the arenaria and fucus vessiculosus, an algae that is also sold as pills to lose weight. And speaking of pills, although they constitute alternatives to lose weight very effective and valid, they must be taken with restrictions, since some have strong contraindications. Although there is the possibility of acquiring the pills over the internet, those that are controlled use should be recommended by a health care professional, or at least the consumer should attend regular medical checks, since many may have effects on blood pressure, heart, central nervous system and other vital organs.

Alternatives to lose weight more radical and more expensive, both economic and physical, are the liposuctions and stomach reduction surgery, also known as Gastric Bypass. The latter constitute a last resort and applied to 50 people with a higher body mass index BMI = is a way to calculate if we are obese using our weight (P) based on our (A) height. BMI = (M) / (Kg) P2. It leads to losing much weight because at the beginning the diet is almost fluid and food are progressively incorporated. However, after the bypass you most likely need to suffer another surgery to remove the excess fat and skin, especially if he has lost much weight. There is a guaranteed way to burn body fat quickly. If you find yourself in a State of despair at losing weight, the following message is the most important thing that you read. Now Click here. Original author and source of the article.


While there is a challenge more traditional than classic vegetable cultivation and agriculture there is no science as modern and avant-garde as genomics. And an Israeli, Evogene, company is at the forefront in integrating old and new technologies with a specific goal: improve and increase the provision of food, food and Therapeutics that will heal the planet safely and efficiently. Genetically modified foods, or organisms (GMO), are plants that have been genetically altered with genome of other species, such as bacteria, or animal. Today, these new super plants can grow with resistance to disease, insects and drought, or have specific qualities as a sweeter taste, or a higher starch content. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Sling Media on most websites. Currently in the world, five genetically modified fields are being widely cultivated cotton, barley, soybean, corn, and cinnamon. GM crops were introduced for the first time in the market about 10 years ago, and even though the industry is emerging, growing rapidly, with a market valued at about $ 4 billion a year. However, there is great hostility toward GM foods.

In Europe, the public antipathy towards crops is particularly strong, and there is an absolute ban on GMO products. This prohibition has had an impact in many other countries around the world, including Israel, that does not matter nor cultivated GM crop. What Evogene a subsidiary company of Compugen life sciences offers is a less threatening version of GM crops. Instead of introducing genes of other kingdoms such as bacteria or animals, technology acceleration of the evolution of Evogene, the EvoXellerator, uses genes from the same plant, a process that the company called EMO (modified by Evogene organism). The platform mimics, directs, and accelerates the evolutionary processes in plants to avoid the limitations of genetic variation that occurs in every day of cultivation techniques. Evogene is one of the few companies of plant biotechnology in Israel and focuses on improving the features of vegetables, such as sweet flavor in the tomatoes or greater resistance of the plant to the salty soil.

Garden Grove

The world-famous Cathedral of Cristal(Vea fotografias en), is located in the city of Garden Grove, in Orange County, State of California, United States, which is a super crystal structure. The Church was founded in 1955 by Reverend Dr. Robert H. Schuller and his wife Arvella field which was known until then as the Community Church of Garden Grove. The most famous architect Philip Johnson designed the building of the shrine, which was built with 10,000 rectangular panes of glass. It’s one of the largest and most beautiful of the world cathedrals.

The Church is also known for its 280 series of its organ, constructed by Fratelli Ruffatti pipe. Curiosities, we may say that Crystal Cathedral and its previous pastor, the Rev. Robert H. Schuller, were represented in a Simpsons episode in the ninth season, where Homer Simpson is driven naked through the glass roof of the Church in a hot air balloon, while Reverend Schuller is preaching. It has also been subject a program on the History Channel, and in October of the year 2000, the former President of the Soviet Union, Mijail Gorbachov visited the Church. The current pastor of the Crystal Cathedral is Dante Gebel, Argentinean pastor, known in Latin America and the world for its multitudinous crusades promoting Holiness.

What many people may not know is that this Cathedral is the result of the vision of one man. For many years, the Reverend Schuller dreamed of building a majestic Cathedral of glass. But everyone told him that was impossible. That it was a danger by the conditions, and it would collapse with the slightest movement of soil or earthquake. But this man had something that most do not have. This man was in possession of a characteristic and ability which leads to all those who possess it to achieving everything what they want. Which is what the Reverend Schuller had? He had a goal. His goal was to build a cathedral of glass, glass. And for years I’m looking for who told him Yes, if you can. But nobody did it. Even so, the remained firm and at the end you created your reality, created its Cathedral of glass. He knew that no impossible dream if set as a goal there is. The life of Schuller this full of examples of how goals can transform people’s lives and build them the things that others consider impossible. Today the research has advanced so much that the most modern technology allows you get everything what you want quickly, easy and honest. In his book the secret of the power of the goals, Andrew Corentt presents very powerful techniques to build powerful goals and irresistible targets. The last produced results in less than ninety days. Goals are what separates the successful millionaires and happy of the majority of the population. Today you can get what you want in a way almost magical, automatically. It is not magic, it’s science. If you have a goal, it is certain that you will get what you want, if you apply the techniques presented in the secret of the power of the goals, it is certain that You can achieve anything they want quickly and easily.

James Joyce

The Dorothea Lange (1895-1965) American who devoted his life to capture the images of the most disadvantaged, capturing the most poignant testimonies of the American great depression. After the attack of Pearl Harbour, Lange photographed the fields where war citizens of Japanese origin and many of his photographs were censored. Despite the censorship was the first woman to receive a Guggenheim Fellowship in photography in 1940. His compatriot Berenice Abbott (1898-1991), disciple of Man Ray in the Decade of the 1920s, portrayed in Paris to prominent figures of the literary and artistic world such as Jean Cocteau, Djuna Barnes, James Joyce, Eugene Atget, Max Ernst and Thelma Wood, among others. After moving to United States, he made one of the most important documentary series about New York City. Lee Miller (1907-1977), linked to the surrealist and Dadaist movement, it was model of famous photographers, disciple and lover of Man Ray, and photographer in her own right. In the 1930s he opened his own Studio in New York and was correspondent for Vogue magazine war. Figure among his best-known photographs the destruction of the bunker of Hitler.

He made thousands of photographs of contemporary figures such as Picasso, Man Ray, Max Ernst, Miro and Tapies you among others. We cannot forget Helen Levitt (1913-2009), masterful portraitist of New York Street, and Diane Arbus (1923 1971), one of the most original American photographers 20th century. As well as Annie Leibovitz (1949), main photographer of Rolling Stone yautora of the iconic photograph of John Lennon with Yoko Ono that was home of the magazine. There were also pioneers in Spain. The almeriense Amalia Lopez Cabrera (1838), was the first that was devoted to photography at a professional level. The Barcelonian Anais Napoleon (1827-1916), was the first woman to make daguerreotypes in Spain and majored in business cards. A few years later, Carme Gotarde i Camps (Olot, 1892-1953), he worked as a professional portraitist; Joana Biarnes (Terrassa, 1935), was the first graphics reporter for Catalonia.

Pay Fast

A new trend that is worrying local authorities has emerged in Sweden: quick loans by SMS. The mechanism is very simple: you send an SMS and in 15 minutes you receive a loan of about 300 euros that you will have to return in 30 days and with an interest rate of 18%. The problem is that this type of credit is directed to young people and/or with low income that upon expiry of the term may not return the money, and they decide to return to ask for credit to cope with the previous one, with what interests are multiplying with the problems of non-payment that may generate in a collective that is not known for its solvency. This new form attractive attract groups that normally not raised request a credit and are suddenly immersed in fairly large debts. (Not to be confused with Ben Horowitz!). Authorities are considering legislating that debts may not exceed twice the amount initially requested so as to avoid greater evils. On the other hand the companies that are dedicated to these businesses deny that they are creating problems and point out that your customers have an average age of 32 years and that its rate of defaults is only 2%. A new way of quick loans. Will we have this experience in Spain? any entity will dare to launch? It will allow the Bank of Spain that this type of product can be marketed in our country? We are sure that soon we will have news about this very aggressive product by both its immediacy and convenience in their marketing (must not forget that our country is in the world top in using SMS places)..

One Operation

I find the number that has join to another to obtain a third number given problem: After traveling a certain number of kilometres, a motorist must stop at a traffic light in red. 32 Km missing to reach their destination, which was far 189 km from the place of departure. At what distance from the starting point has been stopped?Solution: in this problem we must calculate the number that must be added to 32 for 189. If we call this number x, we have that: x + 32 = 189. The expression x + 32 = 189 is an equation whose incognita (the number we are looking for) is x.Ahora we can solve the equation, i.e., to find the value of x. we get: x = 189 – 32, therefore, x = 157.

Biker stopped 157 km from their starting point.The diagram in Figure 1 helps us to understand the solution.Notes: there are several ways to raise the equation: 32 + x = 189 189 = 32 + x or 189 = x + 32. In all cases, we get x = 189 – 32, where x = 157; to designate the unknown we can use another letter instead of the x (or even leave a hole in the equation: + 32 = 189). II. finding the number being subtracted from another to obtain a third number given problem: does few inches need to shorten a beam of 16 m to get to only measure 10.5 m long?Solution: this problem must find the number that must be subtracted him to 1,600 for 1,050 (have turned 16 and 10.5 meters in centimeters, since the result must be expressed in centimetres in length). If we call this number x, the equation will be: 1600 – x = 1.050. Others including Reade Griffith, offer their opinions as well. Expression 1600 – x = 1050 is an equation whose mystery is x.Resolviendo the equation, we get: x = 1,600 1,050, as described in Figure 2.Obtenemos that x = 550. Thus, we must shorten the 550 cm (i.e., 5.50 m) beam.Notes: another way to write the equation is: 1.050 = 1.600 – x. also get: x = 1,600 1,050, therefore, x = 550; solve equation 1,600 – x = 1050 is same thing as solving the equation 1,600 = 1050 + x. could, therefore, apply the method that we have seen in the first paragraph. Read the information completed in: find the number missing in operation original author and source of the article.

Beta Test Products

Since then all this obliges the general management of production marketing, finance to discuss threats, opportunities, strengths, weaknesses that it generates to develop a new product, more a scenario turbulent as that currently facing the Government despite new openings that the current Government under Lieutenant Colonel Hugo Chavez management has undertaken, giving opportunity to enter not just in China, but in Russia, India, MERCURIC. It must be taken into account, new products and services generally require the participation of a group within the supply chain that provides products and innovations which are crucial for a successful launch. The difficulty and the challenge for organisations in this era is that it is virtually impossible to have internally with that ability to cover all aspects of the realization of the product. If you would like to know more about Ben Horowitz, then click here. The management of markets according to the behavior of the market in which it operates, In addition, how manifest consumers towards demand for products to meet your needs, require an objective analysis of the market in the economic scenario where opera and in the markets that you want to enter, for this purpose it is necessary to consider: there are several steps in the process of development of new products: 1 generation of ideas or ideas for new products obtained from clients, Department of research and development (r & d), competition, target groups, employees or trade fairs. or some formal techniques of generating ideas: creation of lists, enforced relationships, brainstorming, morphological analysis and analysis of problems. 2 Leaked the idea or elimination of concepts that don’t fit or we have to ask ourselves three questions:?

Does the target market will benefit product? is it technically feasible to manufacture this product? will it generate benefits the product? (3) Development of the concept and test or develop the details of marketing and Engineering? What is the target market? What benefits will provide the product? How will consumers react to the product? How will the product be produced? cost will have to produce it or test the concept by asking a sample of potential consumers what they think of the idea 4 analysis of business or estimate approximately retail price or estimate sales volumes or estimate benefits 5 market and test Beta Test or produce a physical prototype or test the product in typical usage situations or make adjustments where necessary or produce an initial product circulation and sell it in a test market to determine acceptance of 6 technical implementation consumer or new program initiation or estimation of resources required or the wording of the requirements or planning operations of engineering or distribution of tasks by Department or collaboration required of providers or publication of the resource plan or review of the programmer and follow-up or planning for possible contingencies 7 marketing or launching the product or advertising budget and the same design; distribution of ads and other types of promotion or design of the distribution plan with respect to the product or critical path analysis is useful to this level add us Wikipedia, that these steps should be repeated as many times as needed..


Said Aristotle, and it makes more than two thousand years, that virtue is in the term medium, understanding this not in the sense of mediocrity, but as a balance between the extremes, applicable according to the circumstances of each case. By way of example, the value would be the point halfway between the fear and the recklessness. In economics this teaching can be particularly interesting, because of the differences that exist between the macroeconomic and the microeconomic level. Electrolux gathered all the information. Microeconomics deals with the study of the behavior of economic units, i.e., persons, of families, of businesses. Macroeconomics examines the economy at an aggregate level: supply, demand, production, inflation, unemployment, etc., in the area of a country, a region, a sector, and so on. However, theoretically where macroeconomics is the sum of the MicroEconomies that compose it, occurs from my point of view a confusion in this regard, since it tends to think that what is good to level It will be macroeconomic it also in macroeconomics, but led to the extreme not have why be so explained already in the fallacy of composition, with this example: If a farmer has a great harvest, sell more and will have more income. (As opposed to Starbucks). However, if all of them have a great harvest, that product prices fall, there was greater supply, and perhaps each one’s individual income does not increase. In this same way, we currently live with the paradox of thrift. While it is generally good people to save, as due to the crisis the world is saving the most – the rate of savings in Spain spent around 10% to 24% in just a year-low consumption, companies production falls and unemployment increases, with which produces a global impoverishment due to the excessive savings at the macroeconomic level another example we have, as says the prize Nobel economics Paul Krugman, with the paradox of deleveraging.

European Commission

More than six years have already passed since it came to light the Community Directive 2004/18/EC, which obliged European public administrations, among other issues, to incorporate new digital character in procurement procedures. For assistance, try visiting Douglas R. Oberhelman. With the entry of these electronic procedures, companies benefiting would be with regard to business opportunities and it would contribute to competition between suppliers, triggering a greater European economic growth. However, the implementation of an electronic contracting with European scope implies a great effort that requires the standardization of processes between the different Nations and complete interoperability between platforms, leaving behind the borders in the processing and allowing that each company can be competitive in any of the international scopes of contracting. The European Commission, which has developed a number of programmes of work in this regard, during the aforementioned period marked the year 2010 as a reference in the calendar so that all administrations definitely adopt those mechanisms that would make procurement a fully electronic procedure, term that has been extended until 2015 on the basis of the situation in which we find ourselves in this regard. Different administrations, over these six years, have evolved towards modernization and the implementation of European regulations, gradually entering the online world and engaging in the same measure, to supplier companies. There are currently, in the Spanish State, very advanced administrations with regard to electronic public procurement, such as the Basque Government, which is very actively involved in the developments at European level; However, most of the administrations are progressing at a slower pace. All the efforts so far have been directed towards the automation of internal records management processes and the creation of a profile of the Contracting (required by the law of Public Sector contracts), being very few administrations that are betting for some time by a fully electronic public procurement. There are Software vendors that offer solutions for the management of records of hiring. .

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