Month: January 2020

Trabalho Work

The author still affirms that the cited process is come back toward the physical aspects, ambient and psychological of the workstation, that can intervene with the performance of the workers and, consequentemente, to affect the profitability of the companies. In accordance with France (1997, P. 80), Quality of life in the work (QVT) is the set of actions of a company that involve the managemental and technological implantation of improvements and innovations in the work environment. The construction of the quality life in the work occurs from the moment where if it looks at the company and the people as a whole, what we call biopsicossocial approach.

The biopsicossocial positioning represents the distinguishing factor for the accomplishment of diagnosis, campaigns, creation of services and implantation of projects directed toward the preservation and development of the people, during the work in the company. the same author concludes, affirming that: In the context of the work this boarding can be associated with the ethics of the condition human being. This ethical search since the identification, elimination, neutralization or control of occupational risks you observed in the physical environment, standards of work relations, required for each activity, implications ideological politics and, dynamic physical and mental load of the enterprise leadership and the formal power until the meaning of the work in itself, relationship and satisfaction in the work.

Central America

This collection of data served to the successors of the first missionaries. During the 18th century when such jobs fell and after the independence of Mexico in the first half of the 19th century, the Spanish clergy departed leaving more work on indigenous languages for travelers and scholars, most of those people wasn’t very qualified for such a task. Modern techniques for the description of the languages were not applied to the Mesoamerican languages until Americans turned their attention to this area in the years 1930 and 1940. Since then much professional linguistic work has been done on these languages, especially in the Mexican, so each language in mesoamerica has been studied by a linguist, but time spent in the level of linguistic competence of research has changed much. For most lexical and grammatical data languages have been collected, many of which are not published in a number of grammars and dictionaries but none of them is exhaustive or definitive. Popular stories have been collected in a small number of languages, the orthographies based on the Spanish have been elaborated for the majority of the Mesoamerican languages in the 20th century, but there aren’t many texts written in these.

In short, much work remains to make interaction between the Spanish and the indigenous languages. In modern Central America the European dominant language is the Spanish, speakers of all Mesoamerican indigenous languages include some who are bilingual: some few languages are spoken by fully bilingual populations, the majority of indigenous languages are spoken by populations which can be said to have at least 50% of monolingual speakers. All Mesoamerican languages with a significant number of bilingual speakers have been influenced by the Spanish, primarily in the areas of vocabulary, particles and word order. Since the conquest of Spain the Mesoamerican languages have been asking for borrowed words from the Spanish, and since the type of Spanish mother tongue has changed somewhat over the years both in vocabulary and pronunciation, different historical periods of lexical loans can be distinguished.

Ezequiel Prophet Infinitely

GOD never hides itself of the Human being. Why? Because the Universe for IT created cannot escond-Lo. Everything what exists is workmanship Its. As it will be able to be occulted of Its creation if is permanently with it. Bad man? I made yours fronte as the diamond, harder of what the pederneira; not them subjects, therefore, nor you scare yourself with its face, because they are rebellious house. Book of Ezequiel Prophet, CAP. 3:9.

The Human being was created by GOD With all its goodness, But, for the proper vanity, FROM It if it moved away. He is an rebellious son, But that nothing it hinders, Of one day to improve. It is bad, But it he is not, Because he can be of foot In front of Mr. DEUS, and as one of the children its, To renew itself. Divine Chama Always illuminates the microbe teeniest, and it cannot raise to the supino To that searching Stops in the Good if supporting? Of the infinitely small one To the infinitely great one, the Human being knows where, With care finding.