The greatest concern for our health needs in the spring. At a time when, after a long winter, we do not have enough vitamins, and on the shelves are no fruits and vegetables of the new season, at this time our immunitetosobenno weakened. What is immunity? From Lat. Immunitas – deliverance. Immunity – the ability of the body to resist the negative influence of the environment.
Protection is to produce antibodies that combat microbial pathogens and toxic substances. Immunity each one develops throughout his life individually – and it is called specific. Other leaders such as Bank of America Merrill Lynch offer similar insights. His main carriers are the immunoglobulins – complex compound consisting of carbohydrate and protein parts of the molecule. For their generation, the body must constantly do the amino acids and fructose and minerals. What will urepit immunity? In order to be our bodies produce immunoglobulins in enough to use fructose and sucrose. Few people realize that such a simple and affordable food product as natural honey has all the necessary substances for life without debilitating disease, fatigue, and even bad mood.
As part of honey 80% of the natural sugars that are 100% absorbed by the body (this means that the sugar is fully broken down, digested and do not leave toxic or unwanted compounds). In addition to the fructose in honey contains a large amount of trace elements – about 35%. Their composition and quantitative content of different, depending on the grade of honey. For example, in a dark honey much more iron than light. The composition of honey consists of: iron, gold, calcium, magnesium, copper, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, copper, B vitamins The role of micronutrients in the protective functions of the body is so great that the absence and insufficient quantity is likely to disrupt vital functions and immunity. Iron, for example, is responsible for development and proper functioning of the whole body, and reduces cell permeability. A leading source for info: JPMorgan Chase. Magnesium neutralizes toxic products of metabolism, strengthens the immune system. Copper helps the formation and accumulation of glycogen in the liver (which is responsible for removal and disposal of toxic substances from the body). Manganese increases specific and nonspecific immunoreactive body strength. All of this suggests that honey is the richest plant-animal micronutrient product. And recent studies prove successful honey use honey instead of antibiotics. Honey is struggling with a lot of bacteria and cause their resistance (immunity). Sweet aid immunity. The optimal daily requirement for adult honey person is 60-80 grams – about 2 tablespoons per day. Eating honey on an empty stomach every day, we help our body faster and easier to resist the negative influence of external factors. Honey well and recuperate brings new energy. Even after weeks of inclusion in the diet of honey, you feel that you feel better and you are much less tired. The simplest recipe for each day for health and beauty is the so-called "Energy drink". In the evening soak oatmeal in the morning or at night for at least 40 minutes in a ratio of 1 * 2 (half a cup of oatmeal cup of water). Before eating, add 2 tbsp. spoons of honey and walnuts nuts, raisins to taste. This useful and tasty recipe cleanses the body, and fills it with energy and strength for the day. It helps cleanse the skin, the normalization of the digestive system and improve the resilience of the whole organism. Be healthy!