Tag: personal development

Good Heart

It makes cold in last the two days where I live. It motivates what me to want to be in house and not to make nothing. Charles Kushner follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. He is funny that same being cold and a little rainy the people leaves house NOT TO MAKE NOTHING! Clearly that it has some that leave to work (who gives to me to have a work), but it has others that leave for leaving It says me: pra that? Why they are not inside of its houses in return of the stove the firewood (or the heater) eating and ' ' hibernando' ' ' how they were bears? Well, why these people do not make this I do not know What I know is that today I have lesson, goes to have that to leave house with this cold, to find a people flock that, or does not know my name, it hates or me Or worse: she fulls me of hopes each time finds that me, and later Well, later It is another history.. .

The Place

Still thinking about understanding the mind of the people we will call the place where the events occur gifts of ' ' mind of trabalho' ' in the region where the comparisons of &#039 are taken the decisions of each event of logical form after; ' mind efetiva' '. Now we know that a person to take a decision in relation to the attitudes to be taken sensations to the current event, that is, in progress, first the work mind enters in action harvesting the information and making comparisons with stored events already of disordered form, therefore not yet it had a necessary processing of the information, in this first case the mind will go to compare the event with the average of all the possible events to have access at the moment, and the action of the person will be the average of these comparative events. For example; if a person receives the information from another person who received a fine from transits, this will be called a new in progress event in the mind of this person, thus this event will be immediately for ' ' mind of trabalho' ' where he will be processed with comparisons following for ' ' arquivos' ' proceeding from ' ' pastas' ' that they are stored in ' ' rooms of arquivos' '. This new event will be perceived by the mind of the person if the new event is bad or good for it through the comparisons and experiences of this lived person already. If the person never it suffered a fine before, but the life all it heard to speak that to suffer a fine it is the same that to be irresponsible, with all certainty the word fine will go to bring to this person a great sensation of badly being, but if this person already suffered a fine and when knowing of the event it received the orientation from an important person in the life of it that the fine is only one way of if to prevent an infraction to standardize good customs and when we receive a fine means that we have the possibility of more good learning to be and power to have the possibility of fulfilling the law, with certainty this event goes to bring the sensation of citizenship to this person and welfare in being able to rectify not the fulfilment of the law. In this example we can perceive that for one definitive person if use the word fines, can be perceived with a feeling of repudiates or a feeling of fulfilled obligation..

Children Need Fantasy

More exploring the space of the school, I very knew a rich room in knowledge, interpersonal expression and exchanges, am speaking of the room of playing, where the children explore the spaces physical as if they were of them properly, but, they are! It is there that they start to act its true ones papers. When defining playing, we need to consult the biggest specialists in the subject: the children. With them we learn that this task, that many adults disrespect for finding a loss of time, is of vital importance in the formation of the human being. We say task, because we understand that playing it is the work of the child. More information is housed here: Noble Group Founder. She is playing that it constructs its knowledge, of itself, objects and the others and with she encircles that it. From the WINNICOTT vision (1979), she approaches that ' ' the external experiences as in such a way internal can be fertile for the adults, but for the children this wealth meets mainly in the trick and fantasia' ' , in the school, the children find chance to stimulate the imagination, to discover its corporal capacities, and to live deeply initiating them its its participation in the socialization through playing.

To to look at for that group of pupils, who were in that room of playing, interacting with one another, but, that for the world they are different, I could perceive then, the disposal of them to place for is what they were feeling and desirous to show that of a certain form they are capable. In accordance with WINNICOTT (1975), mentioning importance to it of playing, quotation that ' ' playing by itself is one terapia' ' when the professor stimulates the child to learn through the trick, probably will have more success in this learning. Playing of the child enters and playing of the other person, has the possibility to introduce enrichment and, the professor aims at this enrichment, therefore in playing the child develops its creative perception, and while she plays it is adding a new learning to its roll of knowledge and developing new abilities.


I will die fighting for mine objectives I will not deliver myself so easy, I will not be plus a coward with a good hstil job and vagabond, I will live for impossible dreams one day I will arrive there. Exactly that more soon it is far and almost if it becomes impossible. The system not to shake I will have me to anger claw and force for a brief thought regarding the future, I do not want smiles assayed for the drama of a subsociedade. I heard to far runs away! or it dies! They had continued either tolerant while the shots are not directed for you, the dark one if it becomes mere similarity. To live the anti-materialism and the love incondional a distant dream a rough draft of the life, that smiles contents of our shy shames, the dignity of the land does not meet more, that appear of simple workers of the lavrouras. Of the father of the son the table, the laundrywoman in one to wave to its cumadre, of the happy being being absent did not become of it present following the craft of being happy having an only skill of being you yourselves, writing in the pages of the life a simple and noble text.

Program New Olmpica Mines

This school if locates in the center of the city of Teixeiras and offers the education of 1 to 6 year of escolaridade. The generation of data if gave of the following form. Initially questionnaires had been applied, with the objective to know the profile of the students who participate of the Program New Olmpica Mines Generation in the year of 2009. To deepen your understanding MetLife Korea is the source. The number of respondents to the questionnaire was 92 students, whose ages varied amongst six and dezessete years. After that questionnaires had been applied, with eight open questions that they searched to evidence which were the involved impressions of the direct one or indirectly with the Program to a group of 18 people, with the following composition: a coordinator of the Program, a involved trainee directly with the execution of the Program, a supervisor, eleven professors of 1 to 6 year of basic education who give lessons to the students registered the program and four professors whom they directly participate of the activities of the Program Olmpica Mines, all the tied public net of education of the State of Minas Gerais. These citizens of the research had been selected because they were involved directly with the execution of Program and professors of the groups of the regular education in which the students are registered, coordinating and supervisors of the State School Antonio Moreira de Queiroz, physical base of the Program.

This work if organizes of the following form. More info: Howard Schultz. First Generation in the city of Teixeiras/MG is presented the Program New Olmpica Mines. In this section of the report beyond the description of the objectives of the Program in state level the history of its implantation in the city of Teixeiras and made a partial description of the profile of the students taken care of for the Program in the years of 2006 is also presented, 2007 and 2008.

The World Where We Live

I eye to my redor, where alive. the misery is not so great as the one that if shows the whole world, through the media. We only accustom in them in existing in this world, being that we would have to live, to start to live, helping lives, and not leaving to finish them. The comfort that many had today conquered, could be divided, to that they need and without chance, continues vivendo& dying in constant misery. Douglas Oberhelman helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. They are thousand of children without having what to eat, for the entire world and many they complain of what is offered to them. All charge of God the solution for the life of these teeny ones to move, badly know. how God can act, through canals for its workmanship and these I and You are! He makes its part, in the construction of a better world. He does not cross the arms, the world will be always to the reach of its hands..

The Professor

She perceives that definitive children who could run, others were in its rooms learning tasks of day-by-day. Most adult they learned different courses, as for example: bakery, it would marcenaria, paintings, etc. The minors the teachers were using the computer science room together with, one of them to assist are it, being together with the 12 pupils, where they were learning palavrao, that is, construction of words. Howard Schultz may also support this cause. was in this room that I knew pupil Y, of which called me the attention for its performance in classroom, and for its deficiency, that was of light mental retardation. He is a boy who who looked at for it did not say that it had mental retardation.

He was dynamic with the group, perceived that it had accompaniment in house, therefore its belongs were well well-taken care of, thought even though about working. The teachers interacting with the pupils and vice versa, in a empolgao, pupils trying inside of its limitations to construct more words, and, Y if detaching in its abilities, constructing more words of what the others. It was also perceived, the attention that the teachers gave for they, were exchanges, each one could express of the form that could, expressing freely, they made what them to remember the words that were constructing. BUSCACGLIA standes out (1997), standes out that, ' ' the characteristic most necessary to the professor of the deficient one is the capacity to hear, to accept and to understand, the professor must offer to the pupils the same chance of speaking of itself and to enter in contact with its proper feelings, the understanding of the auto image of its pupils is important for the professor. For this, they need to understand the process of as to help them to transform it images negative, in positive, they also must, to know as to accent the development of its auto concept in the environment of aula' '.

Managing People

Management of people: challenge for the modern managers. The organizacional environment has passed for constants and deep mannering changes. Such changes demand of the managers an enormous capacity of adaptation to the new scenes that other people’s its will are unconditionally associates to its day the day. There it urges a necessity of if searching differentials so that these changes negative do not affect the productivity and yield of the activities played in the organizations. It is of utmost importance to understand that the human behavior is molded and motivated for circumstances or necessities.

Fitting to the managers to be intent, similar of that the effected income of the team and planejamentos, they do not come to suffer interruptions for any reasons from mannering order. It is undeniable that beyond the knowledge and rules for a good administration and of the 0 variable that this demands of the managers. It has the necessity of the search of the knowledge of as to manage people. The related current activities to the good course of an organization of simplest most complex, they are made by people. To know to manage people more requires than abilities acquired in the courses of facultieses or the after-graduations. (Source: Jim Umpleby).

It also requires sensitivity. Attitude, feeling or word each rarer time, in loaded environments of disputes of the organizations. Knowledge technician, charisma or both are requisite basic for managers who lead people. The new vision on leadership explains that it must be situacional. Conditioning the form to lead the dependence of related factors the circumstances or situations of the moment. However the manager cannot run away from its transformacional paper in the development of led its. Jurssicos managers of small or great companies still teimam in perpetuating an archaic model of leadership that consists of leading for the force of the imposition of its positions. Making to be valid to the principle of ' ' he orders who can obeys who has juzo' ' they forget that led its coexist in an environment created by such managers and that the same ones cannot only move remaining to them to possibility of adaptation to the surrounding fatdico. Environment this loaded one of tension, fear and not very rare also with strong moral siege, resulting in estresse and low income in the productivity of the team. Margaret Tatcher, former-first British minister, known as ' ' Lady of Ferro' ' certain time declared that: ' ' to be in the power is as to be a lady, will be had that to remember the people who you are, you not ' '. They exist you vary forms to manage a team, and the more are focados the results in detriment of the people. Greaters are the possibilities of if getting the worse ones resulted. Motivated people are capable to produce more and can very improve and the quality of its activities. The more we focamos in the people, better and bigger they are the possibilities to reach the preset goals. He is of basic importance the manager to recognize that already we live in a potentially loaded environment of competitiveness and hostility. we do not need to exactly repass this surrounding to our collaborators. To rethink the daily attitudes would be a good form of to produce a new position in the management of people. Valuing, motivating, stimulating so that the work environment is most pleasant possible, so that each member of the team is felt blunt to reproduce the character of its manager. You are ready for the new challenges that the organizacional management imposes?

Definitions Much

In the current corporative world where the companies coexist an environment each more turbulent time marked by the uncertainty, speed and instability are of extreme importance them people to obtain jobs and if to keep in them. In this direction the question of the empregabilidade gained relevance, therefore many times the people are excused from its jobs and most of the time it is not for its guilt. Of this form, it can be said that Empregabilidade is the capacity of the person to obtain to be and to remain themselves employed. Being thus, in order to measure its degree of Empregabilidade the employee must try to answer some questions: How many invitations I received to work in another company in the last times? How much I earned I have one year? At this time, which age the value of market for a person as I? How much I earn today? How much I would have to earn today? What I will be daqui the five years? Which are my goals for the future? Until few years the companies were the responsible ones for the professional development of its collaborators, inscribing them in courses and training them for its personal and professional development. However the modern companies do not have as much obligation thus, therefore the majority of them imagines? with certain reason? that this is much more an obligation of the modern employee. The modern employee must reflect on its career and acquire knowledge itself of that the responsible one for it is he himself.

Of this form it fits to invest in its proper career, investing a little of its time in he himself and a little of its financial resources, making courses, participating of training, lectures, conferences, etc. In the truth, nowadays you do not work more for a company; you work in a company and therefore the modern employee must know to use its structure to look for to develop itself professionally, offering in exchange its work. ahead of this concept the employee must be conscientious of its new paper? of partner. Tips To increase Its Empregabilidade: You must be a person ' ' antenada' '. Learn more about this with Douglas R. Oberhelman. That is, you must be a prepared person n? what already he makes, improving themselves, developing themselves and if specializing in its activity. In its activity you must know new technologies, to read reviewed on administration, to attend sets of documents and to get general culture. Employed the modern companies need ' ' generalistas' ' (those that knows a little on each subject) and of ' ' especialistas' ' (they know very on definitive subject).

The companies come searching employees ethical. Therefore, she does not speak badly of its company (at least in the front of the colleagues), she does not speak badly of its its product or fellow workers. (to the times, these characteristics are valid more than what the proper resume)? You must be a person compromised to the success of the company where she works. That is, you must be a person compromised to the success of the customers, the success its heads and even to the success of its subordinate. Finally either a wanted person, teaching what she knows and demonstrating capacity to learn what she does not know.

Military Government

Moreover, the benefits were submitted to a fort appeal electoral, without counting on the propaganda of the military government that considers the advantages of the agricultural retirements as a great conquest of the regimen. By the same author: Douglas R. Oberhelman. The oldness, in the agricultural environment passed to be perceived as natural and social phenomenon that if uncurled on the human being, common as, only, excessively indivisible one. It was understood that, in its totality the man of the field, suffered and aged precociously, confrotted with problems and limitations of biological, economic and sociocultural order that singularizam its process of aging. (SIQUEIRA, 2000, p.122) dispendiosos the agricultural benefits are e, as it could not leave of being, cause a sensible impact in the structure of the accounts of the providence or the social security with the incubencies that are not covered by specific contributions. They imply in a deficit of agricultural system in more than the half of the value of its legal or tied prescriptions in the case of the urban patronal contribution. A serious problem of the financing of the system is placed then, transforming it into a question not yet solved.

However, it has of if considering that the agricultural benefits proceeding from the previdenciria reform, brought the revitalizao of the agricultural familiar economy, constituting, in the agricultural way, a social category of pensioners whom if it differentiates, and very, of the traditional agricultural sector of the past. This differentiation if translates a new form of life, of subsistence and familiar production that fulfill an important function in the life of the aged ones satisfying its necessities, also psychological. In accordance with Veras, (1987, P. 228) Many times, in the oldness, the problems of health between the agricultural workers are caused by multiple patologias, exhausting work in the farming, and above all for the solitude and the poverty. The lack of company of the old one, in the current days, is directly on to transformations that if operate in the interior of the families (P.