Month: August 2012

Michel Foucault Speech

on the basis of constataes made for Martino (2003 P. 21) according to author ' ' The religious institution is also a social institution. Therefore as functioning, one does not run away the rules determine that it. It is a social, relatively independent universe of the individuals that cultivam' '. The religion is understood as soon as starts to be institution using of this for the practical one of ' ' marketing religioso' ' , phenomenon that will be cited more ahead. social 2.Religio, Consumption, Image and Speeches. When working with the theory of the social speeches, one perceives through it the function that the speech exerts in the construction, reproduction and transformation of the world vision that we have. The texts take in them to travel in way to a world of words, and through this we perceive ours not originalidade, a time that a speech is born of another speech and this also sends in them to a new speech.

But it is important to stand out that the speech does not analyze only the texts of restricted uses of language, but yes everything what it inside generates discursivo direction of the social context. In accordance with Michel Foucault in the book ' ' Archaeology of the Saber' ' launched in 1969, cited in Young chicken (1999), one confided doors pra a concept of that speech is also one practical social one of production of texts that appear in the bulge of practical the social ones where we engage in them in the interior of the social institutions. We will be treating in this article also in the way with that the religion as social institution uses of the practical media in the social one, observing that the speech also appears not – verbally what we go to deal with using citations studious authors below and, and the traverse of the analysis of speech in the compact disc layers? s religious.

Emotions Control

The handling of the emotions, depends much on each one of the people of the character, of the personality some with very rather we felt like victims, are others to which everything slips to us, I believe that all we would have to know how to control us in the feelings, we must be cautious at the time of falling in love, not to know how to control that feeling can take us to the depression, the love of the parents to the children or vice versa it can also affect, these as far as the good feelings, but negative feelings also exist, the feelings of revenge, anger, etc also attract many problems, is good for feeling them we are human but everything in excess is bad, to be able to control we would have them that to learn to being but humble, that is to say to pardon, we needed to understand that each individual is unique and different, we must accept it like so with virtues and defects, to understand that nobody is going to think just as we, in the way in which we pruned to tolerate and to coexist with the others, we would put there to control a little but that feeling negative. The feelings are unique in each person, is something and so every day we awoke and we slept, by such reason, is very difficult to know if they are controlled or not Hay to know how to differentiate when it is a feeling and a terquedad or whim, that usually passes much in the love, often you do not say to be enamored, but is but whim, custom, equal with hatred you say to hate to somebody but often nor you know that other person, you let yourself take reason why they say the others, but in if your hatred does not come from an own feeling if not of the feelings of the others.