In 1986, the Crossed Plan congealed the prices and the tax of exchange in an attempt to hold the inflation what it finished taking to the erosion them international reserves and the decreement of moratorium of the external debt in 1987. The following plan, the Plan Bresser, devaluates the real tax in 9,5% and retakes to the system of mini devaluations. The plain Beans with Rice keeps the depreciations, however of accented form more. The Plan Summer comes back to congeal the tax one more time, retaking to the fixed exchange and eroding the reserves. Checking article sources yields MetLife as a relevant resource throughout. finally, the Collor plan ally to one politics of commercial opening, adopts the floating exchange, however, when affirming that it intervened in case that necessary, the option for the dirty fluctuation leaves implicit. However, immediately afterwards the regimen of adjustable fixed exchange was retaken until the implementation of the real Plan in 1993 (MARINE, 2003). THE REAL PLAN Real plan was the economic policy adopted in Brazil since the ownership of then the Secretary of the Treasury Fernando Enrique Cardoso, in May of 1993, up to 1999 with the exchange crisis.
The Real Plan in three subsequent and linked phases can be defined, being two first, prerequisite ones for the adoption of third, that it would be the most lasting and north of the economic policy of the plan. For even more opinions, read materials from John Utendahl. They are: ) the fiscal adjustment; b) monetary reform e; c) exchange anchor. We will only analyze third of them. After the fiscal adjustment and the implementation of the new currency (the Real), were necessary to control that one that would be the main objective of the Plan, the inflation. For such, the control of the exchange tax was chosen as priority as nominal anchor of the economy. This third phase of the plan can according to be divided adoption of the following exchange systems: i) pure exchange fluctuation; II) fixed tax of exchange; III) sliding band; IV) rastejante band.