Tag: psychology

International Liga

In this period, (1941-1945) Wallon remains in clandestinity, retaking its regular activities to the end of Second War. From 1946, Wallon presides over the French section of International Liga of the New Education, established in 1921, and that it congregated pedagogos, psychologists and critical philosophers of traditional education. Wallon will go to preside over this group of studies until its death, in 1962. After 2 Great War, Wallon is invited by the French government to participate of a destined commission to reorganize the educational sector of France. The project, known as Langevin-Wallon, due to initial participation of the physicist Paul Langevin, died in 1947, introduced one total reformularization of the educational system of France, becoming it one of most efficient of the world. ‘ ‘ The norteadora line of direction of the Project is to construct to an education more joust, for a society more joust. The actions proposals rest on four principles: – Justice? any child, any young, independently of its familiar, social, ethnic origins, has equal right to the complete development; the only limitation that can to have is of its proper aptitude. – Equal Dignity of all the occupations? all the occupations, all the professions if coat with equal dignity, that is, the manual work, practical intelligence cannot be subestimados.

The education will not have to foment the predominance of the manual or intellectual activity in function of reasons of ethnic origin of classroom or. – Orientation? the development of the individual aptitudes demands first pertaining to school orientation, later professional orientation. – General Culture? it cannot have professional specialization without general culture. In a democratic state, in which all diligent it must be a citizen, it is indispensable that the specialization is not an obstacle for the understanding of the problems amplest; a solid general culture only liberates the man of the strict limits of the technique; the general culture approaches the men, while the specific culture afasta.’ ‘ (Laurinda R. Almeida, 2007, pg. 75).

As Saints

For unfamiliarity of the varieties of careers or for absence of information, many young opts to decisions that one hour or another one disappoints to them. It had then, necessity of that it could take information to the knowledge of the young. The society imposes the choice of a profession without it to have time to find the identity professional being that coincidently the character occurs when this being developed. Therefore, necessity appeared to provide to the children and adolescents to it of 10 the 14 years that are sheltered by the Samaritano Hidding place the chance to currently know the existing diversity of professions and careers in the work market. In this work, our objectives had been to present some characteristics of the diverse existing professions in the market of work currently and to provide to the adolescents the chance to know and of if informing on the performance of these professionals in the society, to make possible to the adolescents a future perspective, analyzing and demonstrating the potentialities of each one and pointing out the importance of the study for a success career. For the pupils it was of basic importance to be able to directly observe the difficulties faced for the children and adolescents in the choice of profession, moreover, also was important the contribution for the institution, therefore the young had had chance to know, to reflect and to debate on the diverse types of career of the present time. THEORETICAL REFERENCIAL As Saints (1), the socioeconmicas changes had opened for the individuals, as much in the professional life how much in the social one, a bigger number of chances. This can facilitate for some, but on the other hand to create difficulties for others, therefore the chances are each time more specify and demand adequate qualification. Howard Schultz & Associates oftentimes addresses this issue. Being such more including chances each time, lesser is the possibility of the young to know the ways that it are favorable.


If you're feeling lonely, it will replace your family and friends. If he does not understand you – mean this is a bad psychologist. Psychologist suffers voyeurism. He needs you to be arranged "spiritual striptease." If you're not an exhibitionist, you had nothing to do. A psychologist – is when he helps himself, that is, solves the problems at the expense of others. Kevin Johnson takes a slightly different approach. He's just sticking to their other facilities.

Therefore, it is to be feared. Psychological help – this is when you give advice. If the family does not give them a psychologist, he does not know what to do. By the phrase "Psychologists do not give advice ', he hides his incompetence. Psychologist never gives advice. It teaches people to take responsibility for themselves.

So he never says what the exit – even if he knows. You must 'll guess myself, so as not to shift the responsibility on him. Psychologist – it's just a man's role from the TV talk show. His problem is that after the debate of intelligent and experienced people to take stock, starting with the words: 'On Indeed …'. Psychologist – a person who plays the game 'I want to become a psychologist', ever learns in a matter of institutions and individual therapy goes. More information is housed here: Howard Schultz. He always has time and money on eto.Semeyny psychologist – a specialist able to diagnose not only one person, but the whole family. His main task – to decide for you, you divorce or not. But, in fact, a good family psychologists simply do not exist. If he got divorced, how it can help you with? And if he does not experience a divorce, it just will never understand you. A good psychologist – it's always an expert "from behind a hill," he must have, at least, the "European Certificate." Foreigners always better sort out our psychology than compatriot. In the worst case, "the center" – well, at least, with a "Moscow psychologist" or "psychologist St. Petersburg," Well, the most common: psychologist – is someone who treats psychotics. But you not crazy? Asking for psychological help, you yourself set yourself this diagnosis. And you will laugh over by others. You do this because you do not want? Based on the foregoing, psychological counseling may be helpful only a man with a keen sense of justice – he will go to psychological counseling, only to bring it all to clean water. Psychologist himself need psychological help, after which it stops and prozreet deceive people. True, you still have to pay money for it.

English Attachment

For it, the attachment behavior mother-baby would have appeared to guarantee safe proximity between adult and baby and is provoked by the baby since its initial gestures. It is important to leave clearly that the affective entailing is not only the automatic result of the physiology, therefore we are biological cultural beings. The attachment guarantees the protection of the baby, but it is the interaction between mother and son whom the construction of the affective bond guarantees. Minute inquiries of the behavior of small children have disclosed the presence of natural adaptations for the social interaction and the formation of affective entailings. The attachment is closely on to the parental investment, and of it cannot be dissociado, therefore it is from the signals emitted for the baby and of the reply of parents it who if forms the bond.

If he cannot think one without the other. As shown in the example above, one notices that the baby acts on the adult and this answers the baby of a form that goes increasing the affective entailing for the constant answers, therefore, according to John Bowlby, psychiatrist and English psychoanalyst, cited for Pliny Landmark of Toni, one of the determinative factors for the sprouting and maintenance of the attachment behavior it is the rapidity with that the adult answers to the baby and the intensity of the interaction. The attachment behavior, beyond the protection function, propitiates to the baby a series of social interactions that collaborate for a healthful development of the child, beyond providing chances to it to train its social behaviors and to perceive the modifications of it in the way. Thus, he is thanks to this proximity mother-baby who this will have chances to see and to explore the world in a safe way, and thus to develop its brain, to learn with the others of its species and to feel part of it insurance in it from the love of its parents.

Robert Axe

It was possible on the basis of to observe the story of the coordinator of the institution that has certain difficulty in the relations Inter-sectorial in what it says respect to the functioning of the CAPS with the too much agencies of city. In accordance with the manual of functioning of the institution published for the health department one of the objectives the one that if considers is to promote the social insertion of the users through Inter-sectorial actions that involve: education, work, sport and leisure, mounting joint strategies of confrontation of the problems. A priori this agency would have to be conducted in agreement with what it was established by the legislation when would be a service of the SUS. However what if it observes it is that in the reality, especially in small city, impediments in the relationships of the people exist who dirigem these agencies, this can be attributed to the profits politicians. For example, it has me the will to receive a patient depending on the relations politics established between the director of the agency and the elect power in the form city that will be of opposition if they manipulate the service and this unchains a series of impasses so that the service flows of efficient form. In this direction we can to problematizar that other questions would be implicit in these difficulties. In accordance with Foucault (1979) exists in the instituted relations a relation of being able.

this occurs in all place where if it concentrates to be able. Finally, we want to pontuar that the service of the CAPS is a conquest that was cheated with success in this society. However, other steps need to be given for a bigger effectiveness with respect to its functionality. Therefore, if the enrollment of each layer of the society makes necessary each time more participating in this process. Therefore, this will make with that the competent agencies if imply in the performance to make of this more measurable service something it point of view of the desintitucionalizao reason for which the same it are bred. A time that the society would act as a species of fiscalizadora charging this practical, in view of that we always have somebody that is using of the service as a relative or next to each one of us, for certain that this mechanism moves in them, that is, when we have particular necessity or still soul, we move in them for an action accomplishes.

Therefore, to if perceiving that a mental sick person modifies all the configuration of a family and that the same he is very of times one ‘ ‘ peso’ ‘ for the familiar ones, if the same ones, that is, these familiar ones to take knowledge of the rights of the mental sick person when the government is obliged to promote one better quality of life for the users of the CAPS, will go to pledge themselves with certainty to demand these rights. this process would unchain one ‘ ‘ effect domin’ ‘ we would reach of this skill one better performance in the functioning of the CAPS.