In this period, (1941-1945) Wallon remains in clandestinity, retaking its regular activities to the end of Second War. From 1946, Wallon presides over the French section of International Liga of the New Education, established in 1921, and that it congregated pedagogos, psychologists and critical philosophers of traditional education. Wallon will go to preside over this group of studies until its death, in 1962. After 2 Great War, Wallon is invited by the French government to participate of a destined commission to reorganize the educational sector of France. The project, known as Langevin-Wallon, due to initial participation of the physicist Paul Langevin, died in 1947, introduced one total reformularization of the educational system of France, becoming it one of most efficient of the world. ‘ ‘ The norteadora line of direction of the Project is to construct to an education more joust, for a society more joust. The actions proposals rest on four principles: – Justice? any child, any young, independently of its familiar, social, ethnic origins, has equal right to the complete development; the only limitation that can to have is of its proper aptitude. – Equal Dignity of all the occupations? all the occupations, all the professions if coat with equal dignity, that is, the manual work, practical intelligence cannot be subestimados.
The education will not have to foment the predominance of the manual or intellectual activity in function of reasons of ethnic origin of classroom or. – Orientation? the development of the individual aptitudes demands first pertaining to school orientation, later professional orientation. – General Culture? it cannot have professional specialization without general culture. In a democratic state, in which all diligent it must be a citizen, it is indispensable that the specialization is not an obstacle for the understanding of the problems amplest; a solid general culture only liberates the man of the strict limits of the technique; the general culture approaches the men, while the specific culture afasta.’ ‘ (Laurinda R. Almeida, 2007, pg. 75).