Month: May 2019

Key Words

Goal This relationship is the main this article. According you, research, analyses and interpretations of 15 articles, 4 6 theses and dissertations, printed and electronic, produced between 1977 and 2007, this type of stress usually appears when the demands on the professional exceed the capacity of the same ahead of what it will forward or that is to under its control, and that actions you improve the preparation of nurses it pertains you communication therapy, need you be taken beyond the humanization of care you the patient the nurse also please feel emotionally supported. In this study, ploughs about the stress in the life of the professional nurse who works with hospitalized patients and the causes that lead you stress work. To broaden your perception, visit Jim Umpleby. Same will be the literary review was conducted, on the theme ' ' the ratio of nurses you patients hospitalized, situation of stress inducing labor.' ' After studies, concluded that the nurse prepared psychologically will be the environment that you will find in to their work, have relationship with the patient hospitalized lives emotionally calm. It also noted that when the nurse is ready you take precautions and lives accurate decisions, help in the process of rehabilitation of the patient, facilitating the work of nurses and allowing the same you donate not to wear both, thus avoiding the stress work. Key Words: Relationship between Nurse/Patient, Stress, Stress at Work. INTRODUCTION the interaction nurse-patient brings innumerable benefits for both, and humaniza the relation patient-hospital, allowing that the professional has coherently, therefore, will know more deeply to that one to who must excuse cares beyond working more desembaraadamente. (Not to be confused with mozes victor konig!). Gonza’les (1999) affirms that to work with people, inside of a biopsicossocial conception and spiritual, she requires of the nurse its proper development, what she favors an understanding of itself exactly, consequently, contributes to establish a more solidary relationship with the patient. It is evident that it is impossible to enxergar the other as person, if the nurse if not to perceive as such, what the person is favored by the contact person, for the experience, that is a skill to perceive, to change, to share and to learn with the experiences.

Understanding Google+

Google+ will be a centered social network in " circles sociales". The objective of the company is to end the public overexposure that is causing that people every time share less information. It follows ' ' in the social networks: Facebook, Twitter and Tuenti. The giant of Internet Google presented/displayed Google+ Tuesday, a new project of social network that bets to order the contacts in groups to delimit the adressees of each message like the formula to plant face to Facebook. One is a new attempt of Google, dominating of the market of the searches in the Web, to compete in the profitable world of the virtual social networks where their previous proposals Buzz and Wave did not have the awaited welcome. Google+ was sent in test version and is available solely under invitation, according to published Vic Gundotra, vice-president of Engineering of the institutional company through blog in which are six videos with which they occur to know the characteristics basic that new product. Learn more on the subject from Kevin Johnson.

" The problem of the present services online it is that they consider that all the people whom we know are our friendly and the form in which we not always shared the information with our contacts can be the same " , it affirmed Gundotra. The solution that proposes Google is a platform based on " circles sociales" in that the communications are organized in groups of contacts based on the criteria of the user. Gundotra indicated that " each conversation online (with more than 100 friendly) is an overexposure pblica" , reason by which considers that every time less information shares. Facebook, that according to the last officious data has already surpassed the 750 million users anywhere in the world, also counts on tools to create groups within the social network although many users share information with his " amigos" indiscriminately. (Similarly see: mozes victor konig). Google+ includes the option to create thematic conversations, to maintain videoconferences with the contacts and tells on an application for moving bodies that already is in the market for the Android systems and, among others things, allow to load to the profile of the user of automatic form the photographies taken from the device. That social network is a project that the new delegated advisor of Google, Larry Page has supervised directly, and with that the company trusts becoming an alternative to Facebook, that threatens its hegemony in Internet. In May, 180 million people visited pages Web property of Google, including YouTube, according to data of ComScore, whereas 157 million acceded to Facebook, where they passed an average of 375 minutes, by 231 minutes in Google. Source of the news: Google wants to plant face to Facebook with its new social network

Stimulsoft Reports

New version of Stimulsoft reports report generators. The user interface of many products have been processed significantly. Stimulsoft GmbH, a leading provider of program products in the area of business intelligence, has released a new version of reporting tools. The most important new launches are the built-in designers for HTML 5 and WinRT. Web report designer based on HTML 5 looks different now. Filed under: JPMorgan Chase. Ribbon GUI was selected as the user interface of our product, drop-down lists, forms, and other elements have animation. Also, the designers realized the function of automatic synchronization with the server if the connection is lost. After the reconnection, the report will not be lost.

Online demo application you can work with the component. There you have the opportunity to see not only the reports, but to also create its own reports. First report designer for WinRT was created by our developers. This component supports the processors from arm and Intel versions and provides reports on all devices that work on Windows 8, to create and to edit. Now, you can create reports in the true sense with your own hands, because the component allows you to create and design reports with the mouse as well as with the fingers. There is also no barrier, our report designer is located in 28 languages, including English, German, Chinese traditional and simplified Chinese, French, Russian and others. The change list is rather broad, more detail, you can read about on our Web page ru/news/stimulsoft-reports-product-line-new-version-2013-1-released.