Month: July 2013

Revelation Chapter

And the Lord had shown unto me, Abraham, the intelligences that were organized before the world was; and among all these there were many of the noble and great; And he saw God that these souls were good, and it was in the middle of them, and he said: these I will make my rulers; as it was among those that were spirits, and he saw that they were good; and said unto me: Abraham, thou art one of them; thou wast chosen before birth. (3: 21 23) The reading of these verses we learn that to get to be recognized as children of God, we must go through some stages, as it occurs in nature with the transformation of the simple worm into a beautiful butterfly, first we are told that we were that Benvenisti without organization and intelligences that were organized by our Heavenly Father surely with the collaboration of an ideal and indispensable aida heavenly mother, to give shape to our spiritual body in the image and likeness of our eternal fathers. We are told that we lived in the presence of the father, that we enjoyed his love and influence, if we consider the large crowd that us his children we represent is evident that we we were a society of gods in which each of us separated some kind of stewardship in harmony with the perfect organization that the father had arranged for our well-being and development. How we can advance in the discovery of these, our first steps?, let’s see: in Revelation Chapter 2 verse 17, the apostle John reveals to us; He that hath an ear, let him hear what the spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, I will give to eat of the hidden Manna, and will give you a white, and in la piedrecita piedrecita written a new name, which none know but him who receives it.

Venezuelan Government

Is in this context that the Venezuelan Government’s decisions have an impact and generate hotbeds of conflict in Argentina. It is that from the business community, claims the Argentine Government intervening to defend the rights of companies. The situation generates the Government of Cristina bargaining problems with businesses even in matters relating to the local context. That’s why that had tried to rehearse any defense to its management from the Government in the last hours. In this sense, the Vice-Minister of labour, Noemi Rial said: the Argentine State defended companies in national capitals in Venezuela (as the nationalized Sidor, also of the Techint Group) and is going to continue to do.

Also the Chief of staff went to rehearse some words that demonstrate intent to intervene. Massa said simply: A Techint must help her because it is an Argentine company. The Argentine Foreign Minister Taiana said that it would meet with his Venezuelan counterpart, Nicolas Maduro, and will address this topic at that meeting. The truth of the matter is that this meeting will occur within the framework of the OAS Assembly to the that both will attend for what otherwise, said meeting had not occurred. But while these officials were trying to demonstrate a conciliatory understanding that conflict might have repercussions on the electoral front, the Argentine President came out attacking the managers of Techint claiming them have not deposited $400 million they received by the nationalization of Sidor. Probably the President will not questioned is what responsibility has its economic policy in the decision of Techint not repatriate that money. In fact, in 2008, left the country US $ 23,100 million as it confirmed the BCRA. Nor it will be recalled that when her husband was Governor of the province of Santa Cruz, not trusting in the Argentine economy, sent US $535 million dollars in the province abroad.

Organizational Business Success

We will see how corporate writing is an effective, practical and low cost that can bring many benefits to organizations.1. External relations. Companies are listed every day with people and many disparate entities generically call others (although sometimes they may be closely linked to the company.) This includes suppliers, investors, shareholders, media, customers, competitors, Administration, general public.

These relationships are initiated and developed largely through documents, among many others: Annual reports, government reports and corporate responsibility, journals, corporate blogs, etc. , Etc. Submit a document a effective and well developed in the substance and form, produce, among others, these favorable effects:Promoting good relations with the economic and social environment.Improve the ability to influence the market.

Convey a positive and professional image.Facilitate new business opportunities. 2. Internal relations. a A sailboat can not come to fruition without the cooperation of all hands. A football team can not win titles without the effort of all members. Similarly, a non- can progress if all members do not paddle in the same direction. It is clear that to give guidance, ask questions or propose solutions business members speak (or should speak) every day. But it is also true that the most important messages, the most complex, and they have to be known by all, should (or should contain) in writing. Examples of internal documents: Reports, training and motivation programs for employees, newsletters, minutes of meetings.