Live Transmission

The Generalitat has not allowed to broadcast live the resignation of Camps. More information is housed here: Kevin Johnson. TVE denounces that it has prevented them from installing the cable to transmit the signal. The provinces published a video showing blocking the images. The appointment was at 17.00 h on Wednesday in the Palau de la Generalitat valenciana. The regional President, Francisco Camps, had announced an appearance before the media after his absence in the Palace of Justice to accept its guilt in the so-called cause of weft Gurtel costumes. The excitement among the press was clear, but no television could broadcast live press conference in which Camps announced his resignation.

20minutos has been able to verify in situ as from the Catalan Government press services has prevented the direct transmission of the notice of the President. Many were the means by which denounced the situation via Twitter. From we try to broadcast live the appearance of #Camps. From the Consell are preventing us to do so. Little later, Las Provincias published on its website a video that shows how a person prevents the emission of those images. Also the journalist of Telecinco Carme Chaparro, who counted through his personal account that some journalists were forced to disconnect the live signal, and the correspondent reported this in London of TVE, Anna Bosch: I have 24 h do not give live appearance because they are wired so that it can issueensured the journalist. Sources of the public string itself needed shortly after that not is has been able to offer live but in deferred because it has prevented us from installing the cable to offer the live signal, while our teams were there. These restrictions have affected mainly the audiovisual signal transmitted by television and websites.

Although from RNE also reported difficulties in transmission, most of them have failed to connect with his correspondents to hear the announcement of Camps. They denounce censorship La Unio de Periodistes Valencians (UPV) has denounced the censure of the Generalitat to prevent any television could broadcast live the appearance of Camps. In a statement, Unio has lamented the violation to the right to information which the Generalitat has subjected to citizenship, by denying the live transmission of the Act to television. In addition, it has expressed its strong protest by what means a loss of plurality of information and an overt act of censure against a fundamental right and freedom of the press. Has no sense that in a time of globalized communication media, in which you can see televisions around the world, will try to prevent the spread of an act of such importance in a flagrant violation of the right to information about a news story that should have been available to all the Valencians when that was happening, according to the Unio de Periodistes. Finally, the organization expects and want new decision-makers to change attitude and policy information not to be censorship anymore news. Source of the news: problems for the live transmission of the resignation of Francisco Camps