International Subjects

According to it, Brazil purchase 36% of what Bolivia exports, it admitted that the negotiations on the price will have to be long and difficult. In way the tensions, Brazil and Bolivia had started to negotiate a new price for the bolivian gas. According to special assessor of the Presidency for International Subjects, Aurlio Landmark Garci’a, the agreement leaves Satisfied Bolivia e, at the same time, does not wound the contract signed with Petrobra’s. The paid price for Petrobra’s will have to be modified, but the contract not, after all exists an agreement, after complex negotiations. Much less for nature failures in meeting politics, for the necessity not to find a formula technique that, on the other hand, also contemplates the respect to the contracts and to the jurisprudence that the two governments had revealed to be made use to fulfill since the start, as it informed Aurlio Landmark in interview for the periodical Online Leaf (2007). Bolivia demanded that Brazil paid about US$ 5 for BTU million (unit of thermal measure). Bolivia vende the So Paulo about 27 million daily cubical meters of gas US$ 4,30 for BTU million. Such politics of Morales affected, among others multinationals, the state Petrobra’s Brazilian, who more than operated until April of 2006 14.5% of the gasfera wealth of the Andean country – more necessarily 1,55 billion of m, representing the second bigger operation of the South America – and managed the two mega gas more promising fields of Bolivia.

As the periodical the State of S. Pablo (2006), the volume of exportations of small Brazilian companies for Bolivia had presented an expressive decline due, mainly, to the attrition in the relations between these two countries initiated, in the same period, due to nationalization of the sector of gas and oil of Bolivia. Had to the attritions in the relations economic politics and between the two countries, the exportations of small companies for Bolivia had by vol.