University Catholic One

In reply on the commitment of the writers, of Latin America, Alberto Escobar affirmed: ' ' Maravilloso Pero yo encuentro lo en los libros, cuando sound literature, y cuando if justifican for being literature, sea cualquiera el subject, en measured en there that construye un world y you are coherente since adentro, treats del love woollen muerte pparently deals with, it joins capable banal inicidencia, pero of descubrirnos algo.' ' (EL COMPROMISO DEL WRITER, p.57) This that said Escobar is excellent, therefore in this round table other writers had taken left in defense of Cortzar, one of them were Carlos Brown Martinez Columbian writer: Hay one sews muy important. All los that creen that literature you are one there subproducto, empiezan for pedirle that in sea literature. Young Ese that habl in conoce the Cortzar in it has penetrated en Cortzar if dice what dice l. Learn more at this site: Charles Kushner. (EL COMPROMISO DEL WRITER, 1971, p.46) This quarrel concerning the power of literature and the commitment of the Latin American writers, in the University Catholic of Valparaiso in Chile (1971), is the consequence of the inquietude of the man in search of answers, therefore Rojas student questioned the writers who in its majority lived exiled in countries of the Europe or the United States and, thus, searched to understand as they would obtain to locate politically in its workmanships being forgotten it ditatorial sea that devastated this continent. In this context also literature appeared of Ricardo Guillermo Dicke, being man of its time, and, with a social philosophical vision, it knew to argue in its romances this frantic search of the man in trying to meet. Presentation of use of masks, in narrative, can to be observed as disguise social, where a veil exists that hides the events of our daily one, similar to dictatorships of Latin America, where all know what it is happening, know who are the oppressors, but of common agreement this is masked.