The Indians

In my tree, nothing of this he happened, I am the perfect descent of a perfect family. I do not go to be lying, I will only omit given embarrassing and that they do not go to contribute in nothing for my familiar pride. Or publishing indications that I am not certain of that they are true. Of this form I wait to be festejado by my relatives. I wait that this work is for the children of the colonels what ' ' The D.

Quixote' ' of Cervantes it was for the old Spanish nobility. As he would say my friend and mulato, the realistic writer, Axe: ' ' If to this to please I am pleased you work with this, if I do not pay to you with one piparote' '. (1888). Good reading! I thought better and instead of creating a nobiliarquia I go to count and to invent facts with my ancestral. Mixing stories with a little of imagination I will create stories lying, but very flavorful. The slaughter of the indians. Between centuries XVIII and XIX a history dreadful and duly sultry regarding one of my ancestral is counted.

From caririense origin, it received from the state, lands in the hinterland inhabited have centuries for tribes of cariris indians lately mesclados with remainders of deriving tribes of the coast or blacks of quilombos that ran away for the interior in search from shelter against the expansion of the whites. Of this form, the cariris and this ancestral one, a captain john doe, had entered in conflict. Certain time it was for the region of Sergipe where a slave knew who suffered maltreatment from its Sir. It bought this slave it brought and it. The slave, perhaps the control of its benefactor, obtained to infiltrate itself between the indians and discovered that they planned an attack the headquarters of the property.