At the same time as a hostess, not soap box itself, and do not wash them …. What about us? Hand on heart, 90% of Russians do wash windows, mow lawns (if you feel an urge), and puts the children grandparents (in the worst case – grandparents). In fact – when we ask a child to wash the dishes – we ask him to share with us a part of our daily duties. Those we ourselves perform every day without hiring dishwashing field dinner, "a specially trained person." Imagine what happens when we pay for the same child washed the dishes. The child has erased the line between responsibilities at home and …
extortion. That is usually clears (erases, strokes) – mom, but if you do it for her – that she will rest, and I get pocket money. Pay your child once and you will hardly live to see the child voluntarily helping around the house – it will require payment regardless of your well-being and the kind of homework. In this outrage, you can send only to myself – this is the fruits of your education. Imagine a situation – my mother paid for his son washing dishes. Son marries, his wife falls ill (or ill feeling during pregnancy) and asked her husband to wash the dishes.
And he asks – how much did you give me for it? Say – nonsense? Not at all! He was always my mother paid for the performance of 'women's duties' – the wife is worse? My husband can not say it to his wife, but in this situation, he will feel free to reward yourself in some other way, because he worked on the house. Invent ways of self-promotion you can do. What should I do? If your family does not hire workers coming (and in most Russian families, the way it is), then the household responsibilities are divided among all members of the family, which is likely to carry them out.