The Child That Presents Problems With Las Matematicas

Mathematics usually present many difficulties to students of any educational level. However children in primary education are those who live these difficulties, worse since they realize talking with peers, older siblings and parents that this is something that is going to have much importance throughout all his schooling. At first, parents and educators often attributed problems with mathematics to lack of personal effort of the child and do not arise that these issues go beyond the academic motivation of the child towards mathematics. Further details can be found at Ben Horowitz, an internet resource. Dyscalculia means discalculias the difficulties experienced by the child in the area of calculation. There are two main types of dyscalculia:-Acalculia or dyscalculia elementary: is associated with a brain injury that produces a total impossibility for the calculation. -Dyscalculia true or secondary: the person expresses multiple symptoms discalculicos associated with other disorders of verbal, spatial, temporal, symbolic and cognitive type. The discalculias have the following characteristics: – perceptivo-visuales alterations – difficulties to perform certain arithmetic operations (sum, subtraction, multiplications, divisions, roots, etc.) – low capacity of reasoning – difficulty mental calculation – difficulty in the management of numbers – language problems associated with the own discalculias (dyslexia).

Intervention in cases of dyscalculia parents and teachers can do a lot to help overcome a dyscalculia to their children and students. The key is to have the support of a dedicated team of psicopedagogos or school psychologists guiding the intervention to be held on the problems expressed by each child. Both in the classroom and at home it would be essential that the child would conduct exercises and games at four levels: spatial, temporal, symbolic and cognitive. The intervention at the spatial level must be focused to work with numbers and Seriation, exercises body schema, geometric drawing and graphic delineation of columns. To improve the temporal orientation will have to lead efforts to rote work and the realization of different difficulty problems using material support such as toy coins, strips or comiditas.