For issofaz necessary the accomplishment of studies of profiles and of offers and demand. Followed Paraem to plan, to command and to control the actions to take care of the customer. Thus it can be affirmed that the Marketing is characterized porvrias actions, since the research until the communication by means of propagandas. emse treating to propagandas, as Hisses (1992), the propaganda and works depublicidade would be dispensable if the companies possessed the conhecimentoaprofundado one of its customer, in way that the sales occurred by itself. Therefore aempresa she must be guided for the customer and she does not stop the product.
She means to say that the market has to be intent to the novasnecessidades of the different customers the one that they intend to reach, developed necessities and requirements in accordance with the trends econmicasda time. She must be intent for new adequacies. Environment In Brazil, in middle of the years of 1750 blows up the revoluoindustrial next to the capitalist economic system characterized for one relaodireta of production increase and consumption. To supply this new standard, great it was the exploration of the natural resources in the country, what it generated aumentoconsidervel of the ambient impacts, demonstrating a development to decarter predatory. In 1992 the first serious meeting, the confernciamundial greater on the environment, Echo 92 for many occurs known as River 92 to porter been hosted in the city of Rio De Janeiro, whose main problemastratados they had been the destruction of the ozone layer, the water scarcity and oagravamento of the effect greenhouse. Its main objective was to stop with the desenvolvimentopredatrio, being kept the development of sustainable form. this was asoluo of Echo 92, agenda 21 with the sustainable development. It is to generate wealth without degrading the environment, using osrecursos natural of rational form, respecting the limits of time and decapacidade of recovery of the nature next to its resources.