In addition we have an absolute rejection of the forces of public order, with police acting in unrestrained way, since he came autoconvocada people of the guilds, the Anef, of trade unions women and the citizens demonstrating against the dam projects were the words of Formantel. He expressed that there was repression from the beginning, and can not give in your hands this letter we had grass-roots organizations. On the words of Horvath and Galilee, who noted that everything was organized by leaders of opposition, Bishop Luis Infanti and people with international financing, he clarified that we are a movement that does not have a political color flag, a movement that transcends parties and even the environmentalist movement, as they always want to pigeonhole. Here there is a movement based in the region and that it wanted to say on the day of yesterday. Formantel expressed also his discomfort because even one of the leaders who would meet with Pinera, Camila Santelices, was arrested in the bottle staying overnight at the police station of Coyhaique along with three other members of the movement, Anef President Julio Lopez and two people from trade unions of women. Just today passed noon they were released after the hearing of formalization in the Court’s guarantee of Coyhaique by public disorder while in parallel the complaint will be investigated for assault of detainees by police personnel.
What he said the missive in question letter expressing the President items therein expressed, HidroAysen and Austral energy, related to call into question the possibility of a raised magnitude decision today. One of the points alluded to both the study of HidroAysen power Austral have serious and insurmountable technical deficiencies, that have made multiple State services challenge the legality of which continue being lacking such projects of essential and relevant information to be evaluated ‘. ” Elsewhere they pose that evaluation of the studies of HidroAysen and energy Austral have followed irregular and even illegal procedures, from the moment in which were allowed to be presented without electrical lines that form an integral part of both projects, which causes that they are evaluating studies incomplete and without the possibility of measuring the synergistic impacts. They also refer to that Chile does not have a strategy of integrated management of basins that gives legitimacy to the big decisions to be taken in relation to the main national water courses. Nor do we have a national policy for a sustainable energy matrix that establishes the guidelines that follow to determine demand and generation of energy consistent with the country as a nation that we all want and deserve to live. And, finally, that today the new environmental institutionality It is in the process of implementation.
Both the Hidroaysen project and energy Austral were presented in the framework of the old system, that means was improved, with the backing of the National Congress, by which you want to now carry forward. They close the missive to pose to the President that we have wanted to respectfully make you present these situations in order to learn, firsthand, the feel of an important part of citizenship of the Aysen Region, his compatriots who yearn for, like you, that the State take the best decisions, with excellence and thinking of the common good. Patagonia and its inhabitants deserve. Original author and source of the article.