
This questioning was displayed so that the level of knowledge regarding the region was verified where the Valley of the interviewed Mamanguape.O is located left to be transparent a reduced knowledge of the coast, a time that having informed already to have carried through innumerable visits the cited region, limited to cite it only the Bar of Camaratuba. In the following question North was asked on the knowledge regarding the Coast. The interviewed one cited only the Bar of Camaratuba and Baia of the Treason. Although Zimmermann (1996) supplies seeming that the agricultural tourism is an activity that grows aceleradamente in the world, and is esteem that its growth will have to be remained in development. It is not possible to perceive an easy transposition of the goddess of that attractive the tourist ones of the region if incase only in the aspects of littoral region. In the referring question to the knowledge regarding the Valley of the Mamanguape on the part of the interviewed one, the same it informed to possess knowledge on characteristic histories of the cities of the Valley, however if it presented reticent to the being questioned on some of these characteristics. It still revealed its contentment on the Project of the Fish Ox, commenting its possible tourist use as attractive. Fact, that made direct connection with the room questioning, that inquired after the opinion of the interviewed one (1) regarding the tourist potentialities of the Valley of the Mamanguape. The interviewed one (1) confirmed the existence of great potentialities, speaking on a development project creating with intention to become the Coast all North, including the Valley of the Mamanguape in an area of tourist exploration, its littoral aspects and of agro tourism. For Graziano Da Silva, Vilarinho and Dale (1998) the use of agro tourist tourism as attractive requires the accomplishment of a process of aggregation of services to the agricultural products, as well as the valuation of the existing not material goods in the country properties.