A Brazilian worker contributes per 35 years of services and its retirement if to occur in skillful time will guarantee one supervened average as diligent inactive one to it around 15 years. In the truth it does not arrive to receive nor the half from what he paid to the public state treasury. The CTPS is a good business to be able it public. It does not advance to speak in CTPS without understanding Brazilian, long, tedious and ininteligvel the Labor law for the great mass of workers. The Employment contract in Brazil still is archaic and demasiadamente bureaucratic. Few countries in the world adopt this contractual modality. The diligent classrooms of some countries of the world had sufficiently advanced in the conquest of its rights and exemptions, conquering spaces with respect to hours of working, remuneration joust and contractual reduction of taxes, tributes and taxes.
Such conquests had contributed of substantial form for the reduction of the unemployment. In many countries the Day of 8 daily hours with 2 expedients of work was abolished to establish a continuous day of 6 daily hours, making possible to the worker 18 hours of continuous recess, giving more time to it to take care of of proper itself and its family. The companies in turn had had considerable profits with the reduction of taxes and the contractual bureaucracy, increasing its turns of work and consequently contracting diligent more. Companies of all the branches and activities that functioned with 2 and 3 turns, had created more 1 turn to adjust the new reality where all leave earning. Such politics had had intense participation of the power publish and unions of the categories patronal and laborers. The new reality made with that great part of these countries imported hand of foreign workmanship to supply the production demands and the work market prospered, feeding in turn other segments of production and consumption. She is necessary that the public power, employers and laborers, all together with a common objective, to rethink the current system of work and labor law in ours Country and finally to trace one efficient politics of combat to the unemployment, eradication of the misery and valuation of the citizenship of each Brazilian.